Thursday, September 24, 2020

Criminal Code of Kingdom of Cambodia

Criminal Code of the Kingdom of Cambodia  was adopted on October 12, 2009 and was promulgated on  November 30, 2009. This code aims to provide the limitation of the criminal law, what people should and should not do, and other mechanisms pertaining to the criminal procedure.

The criminal law defines offences, determines those who may be found guilty of committing them, sets penalties, and determines how they shall be enforced. Where necessary, statutory instruments issued by the executive branch may define petty offences that are punishable only by a fine.

The law provides that offences are certain acts committed by natural persons or legal entities which cause social disturbance. Offences are classified pursuant to their seriousness as felonies, misdemeanours and petty offences

Conduct may give rise to criminal conviction only if it constituted an offence at the time it occurred. A penalty may be imposed only if it was legally applicable at the time the offence was committed.

There shall be no offence in the absence of intent to commit it. However, where so provided by law, an offence may result from recklessness, carelessness, negligence or failure to fulfil a specific obligation.

In criminal matters, the law shall be strictly construed. A judge may neither extend its scope of application nor interpret it by analogy. 

No penalty may be enforced unless it was pronounced by a court.

In criminal matters, the scope of application of Cambodian law in space shall be determined by the provisions of this Code, subject to international treaties.

The provisions of this Code may not have the effect of denying justice to the victims of serious offences which, under special legislation, are characterised as violations of international humanitarian law, international custom, or international conventions recognised by the Kingdom of Cambodia.

For more detailed of this code please watch videos below: 

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