Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Cambodian Law on Consumer Protection

 After 1993 election, Cambodian economy's rapidly growing. At the same time, some faulty goods are being marketed in Cambodia together with some unfair competition.

In order to ensuring the protection of consumers and contributing to the promote of fair competition, Cambodian Government enacted a new Consumer Protection Law on November 2, 2019. 

The objective of this law is to define the rules and mechanism for contributing to the creation of trading environment, in which; 

  •  The rights and interests of consumers are protected;
  • The trading is fairly competitive; and 
  • Consumer and business persons conduct activities together with trust. (See Article 2) 

Law on Consumer Protection applies to any person who conducts trading activities with consumers in Kingdom of Cambodia, whether for profit or non-profit purpose, unless otherwise provided by separate law. 

The present law has 11 chapters with 51 articles. 

Through this law, A National Protection Committee shall set up and chaired by Minister of Commerce (article 5) and the law also pointed out the formation of a Consumer Association to act the following roles and duties: 

  • To consult independently with Consumers and coordinate consumer related issues;
  • To act as a presentative before the National Consumer Protection Committee or before the court on behalf of any consumer or consumers group who’s right and interests are infringed;
  • To represent the view and interest of consumers in public forums or the press;
  • To receive consultation from any competent regulator on any regulation concerning information standard issued by the competent regulator to be provided to consumers; 
  • To create a consumer protection working group in each sector; and 
  • To undertake to perform other duties as assigned by National Consumer Protection Committee. (article 6 through article 8). 

For more detailed about this law, please watch the video below: 

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